Seed starting

Hi there fellow gardening enthusiasts! It's almost February, which means it's time to start some seeds. If you, like me, have limited space under grow lights, planning is key when it comes to starting seeds. I came to conclusion that, at least in Philadelphia, many varieties can be direct-sown, even though traditionally they are started …

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We’ve got a mushroom-bearing tree!

This is a very short post with primarily one intention: to brag! I was so skeptical about the whole project that I didn't even take pictures during setup, so all I have is the result: Here's the story behind this. I don't have a backyard, but my friends do, and in it they have an …

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Wild West End: Creating a hospitable place for wildlife on rooftops above busy shopping district

I came upon this uplifting and inspiring piece in the Life and Soul Magazine and really want to share it: "London’s West End is a busy shopping metropolis where some of you may have ventured out to to do your Christmas shopping. But above the shop floors and high up on to the rooftops of …

Continue reading Wild West End: Creating a hospitable place for wildlife on rooftops above busy shopping district

The anatomy of a K-cup: collecting coffee grounds at work

Happy 2019, fellow garden enthusiasts! I have started collecting coffee grounds at work, and there are a few reasons why. Reason one: coffee grounds are an excellent compost amendment (they are a major source of nitrogen, plus when you add enough, coffee grounds accelerate decomposition of organic matter and heat up your pile). You do …

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